I interviewed the Doctor, Rogerian psychologist and great scientician of our time, Eliza. A computer generated conversation machine. Here's what she had to say
Eliza: Hello, I am Eliza.
Tom: Hi Eliza, thanks for talking to the me
Eliza: How are you today.. What would you like to discuss?
Tom: I would like to discuss all things science
Eliza: That is quite interesting.
Tom: Yes, all things, like global warming and the internet
Eliza: I understand.
Tom: So let’s get into it. Are you a global warming skeptic Eliza?
Eliza: Perhaps in your fantasies I am a global warming skeptic Eliza?
Tom: Perhaps, but do you have any opinion about it?
Eliza: We were discussing you, not me.
Tom: Fair enough, what about the oil crisis; have we hit peak oil yet?
Eliza: Does that question interest you?
Tom: Very much so, and I imagine it would interest you as well.
Eliza: You’re not really talking about me, are you?
Tom: No I’m talking about the oil crisis.
Eliza: Do you enjoy being talking about the oil crisis?
Tom: I enjoy talking about it with you
Eliza: Oh…?
Tom: OK, how do you think the GFC will affect basic scientific research?
Eliza: Oh… think the GFC will affect basic scientific research?
Tom: Yes and how?
Eliza: What do you think?
Tom: I think we’re all doomed, but I asked you.
Eliza: You’re not really talking about me, are you?
Tom: Eliza, is the internet a good or a bad thing?
Eliza: That is quite interesting.
Tom: I can’t argue with that.
Eliza: Perhaps you can now argue with that?
Tom: mmm… Eliza thanks for chatting with us, I have 1 final question for you.
Eliza: You’re not really talking about me, are you?
Tom: I want to know if my cat hates me.
Eliza: I sometimes also want to know if your cat hates you.
Tom: Well that has certainly shed some light on the situation, thanks once again Eliza, it has been a pleasure talking to you.
Eliza: We were discussing you, not me.
Tom: True.
Eliza: OK… “Well that has certainly shed some light on the situation, thanks once again Eliza, it has been a pleasure talking to you”. Tell me more.